Have You Ever Wondered What You Will Be? Wins Two Independent Press Awards

The 2022 Independent Press Award has named Have You Ever Wondered What You Will Be? WINNER in two categories: ✨Picture Books-All Ages and ✨Children’s: Inspirational/Motivational. ⁣

💛 I am over the moon and so honored and grateful to receive these awards from the IPA and share this recognition with the talented Chiara Nasi. Thank you so much, Independent Press Award. ⁣

This uplifting picture book of wit and wisdom inspires readers and graduates young and old.⁣

For those preparing for the adventures of life and pursuing their dreams, this charming picture book is a rhyming story of inspirational affirmations that chronicles all of the many wonderful potential futures that lie before us. Have You Ever Wondered What You Will Be? is perfect for inspiration seekers, graduates young and old, someone turning the page to a new chapter in life, and those looking for a meaningful gift.⁣

The story acknowledges that life isn’t always perfect and that the path to success and happiness will have peaks and valleys, but what matters is that you don’t give up working toward your dream with patience and positivity. Overcoming obstacles and not fearing failure is part of the adventure.⁣

A lasting message will stay with the reader long after the book is closed, reminding one that they are unique and special and that they can do anything – the future is wide open.⁣

For more information, please visit independentpressaward.com. To see this year’s list of IPA WINNERS, visit:⁣

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